Monday, June 17, 2013

Who would you send a shout-out to?

Here are a few of mine:

My mom. She is both stronger and smarter than she thinks.

My hubby. He has known me since I was 15 and loves me anyway.

My mom-in-law. She inspired me, supported me, and funded me in my journey back to school.

Susan Silva.The absolute best mentor teacher ever!!! What an amazing teacher, artist, friend, and partner in creative crime!

Verlene Chiodini and Marilyn Benoit. Two teachers who made surviving high school possible.

My kids! They made me who I am.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

For My AP 10...

This is the letter I wish someone had written me before I graduated. I can't think of anyone who would have been honest enough to tell me these things, but I can honestly tell you that I  wish someone had.
This year's AP class was extraordinarily special. They were the bright spot in my day and I truly am so blessed to have the chance to be their teacher for the last 3 years. So this is what I gave to them:

"So, you have survived me and I have survived you!
I am so proud of you for finishing your AP Portfolio, for actually graduating high school instead of taking the easy way out, and for standing by each other all year with such a minimum of drama. I have thought long and hard about what I could give you for graduation. We all know money wasn’t an option!
So I decided to give you something useful…something I wish someone had given me…the truth.
You are beautiful and intelligent and priceless…and so are a lot of other people.
Treat everyone with the same respect that you would like to be treated with…until they give you reason to do otherwise…and sometimes, even then.
Have sex if you want to. Don’t have sex if you don’t want to. ALWAYS use protection. Babies happen…a lot… even with protection. All babies deserve to be planned. And just because they call it “safe sex” doesn’t mean your heart can’t be damaged.
In the real world, being on time means being at least 5 minutes early…unless it’s a dinner party…then being on time means being on time.
You are never too old to clean up after yourself at your parent’s house.
When in doubt, bring a gift.
Learn to cook real food. Hamburger helper does not count.
Go to college. If not now, soon. It only gets harder the longer you wait.
There is nothing private about the internet. Before you post, read yourself the Miranda Rights. “You have the right remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you…”
Time flies…whether you are having fun or not. It is like money, so spend it wisely.
You only get one liver, and one set of lungs. Don’t smoke. You’ll probably drink, but be careful, and don’t overdo it.
Most people become like the people they surround themselves with.
Always have something to write with.
You are going to make mistakes. Embrace them and learn from them. Even jelly beans are still good when they screw up.
Sometimes you should blow your horn. But not too often, because it is obnoxious.
And sometimes it is okay to end a sentence with a preposition.
You will ALWAYS be my lamb."

And yes, I did consider my Miranda rights before posting this.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I'm backkkkkk!

YES!!!! I have tunneled my way out of the Google depths and regained access to my blog!!!!
More soon!!!